
Los geht’s – Internationale Jugendarbeit

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On the 26th of February, JKPeV participated in the online opening of “Los geht’s – Internationale Jugendarbeit”, during which our latest animation film was presented. This short animation film informs young people about the opportunities that the EU provides them to study, volunteer, participate in youth exchanges, training courses and seminars in and outside Europe! The animation film was produced by JKPeV with the support from the following organisations from Saxony, Germany:


– Alternatives Jugendzentrum Chemnitz e.V.

– Solaris Förderzentrum für Jugend und Umwelt gGmbH Sachsen

– Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Kreisverband Aue-Schwarzenberg e. V.

– Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig e.V.

– Kindervereinigung Leipzig e.V.

– FAIRbund e.V.

– Villa gGmbH

– Landesverband Sächsischer Jugendbildungswerke e.V.

– Mobile Jugendarbeit Dresden Süd e.V./ Mobile Jugendarbeit Prohlis