
The Truth and Dare e-learning Space in online!

  |   News, Opportunities

Following the ideal from the European Erasmus+ programme towards the promotion of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities, the strategic partnership project DARE: DisAble the baRiErs, has successfully launched the Truth and Dare e-learning Space. This space is specially designed to connect youth workers, trainers, educators, organization members and training centres directly with young People with Visual, Hearing or Physical Impairments (PwVHPI). It also seeks to improve and increase the mobility opportunities for young PwVHPI.


How? The Truth and Dare Space is designed with two main characteristics. The first one is the e-learning Space itself, which compiles 10 e-learning modules. Five for youth workers, educators, trainers, and youth leaders, that have as an aim to increase the skills, competences of youth workers who want to work with young PwVHPI. The other five modules are designed for young PwVHPI and young people in general who wish to become DARE ambassadors and support their peers.


The second main characteristic is the DARE communication and info space: this space of the platform is dedicated to facilitating and ease the info provision and communication between Young PwVHP and youth workers, educators, NGO members and other participants.


The Truth and Dare e-learning Space, being the third of the four outputs of the project also displays permanently the Dare Practical Guide for Inclusion and the Dare Digital Storytelling Handbook of Empowerment, that is freely accessible. It also has open calls for participants for existing projects that include PwVHPI and other necessary mobility information /tools uploaded by the partners and the rest of the users. We invite you to check it out and not to miss the opportunity to be an advocate for inclusion! If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know, we will appreciate it!

The Truth and Dare e-learning Space




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