THE FUTURE IS GREEN – let´s talk about climate change challenges and how to solve them!
By now, many of us are aware of the tremendous challenges we are facing globally due to the ongoing climate crisis – this pile of problems can leave us feeling hopeless and frustrated at times.
So, let´s take action together and talk about how we can develop solutions to our environmental problems!
On Thursday, April 14th 2022, we invite you to come join us at KulturCentrale to watch a series of short movies developed by Sukuma arts e.V. that shed light on different “Stories of Change” tackling various environmental topics. Also, we will hear short input presentations about regenerative energies and a European educational project called “Solution not Pollution” that aims to build problem-solving skills of youth to address environmental and climate change issues. A group of international youngsters taking part in a “Solution not Pollution” workshop will also be there to share some solution approaches they have been developing within this workshop. There will also be plenty of room for your questions, opinion and ideas as well as networking opportunities while you may want to grab a drink at the bar afterwards.
By the way: this event will take place between 18:00-20:00, but we highly recommend you to stay a bit longer – directly after this, we will continue with our “Charity Art Auction” event in support of Ukrainian refugees!
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme
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