About This Project
01.03.17 – 31.07.18
30 – 31.03.17 1st Transnational meeting in Valencia, Spain
25 – 26.10.17 2nd Transnational meeting in Athens, Greece
21 – 22.03.2018 3rd Transnational meeting in Dresden, Germany
27 – 28.06.2018 4th Transnational meeting and event in Alzira, Spain
A project to improve the network and general guide for the youth workers of the future.
KA2 Project · Strategic Partnership in the Field of Youth · Exchange of Good Practices.
The main objectives of EU-NET: to create an international network for promoting excellence in youth work that focuses on sharing methods, tools and skills of employees and youth workers within the Erasmus+ sphere and beyond.
- GoEurope (Spain)
- Inter Alia (Greece)
- Futuro Digitale (Italy)
- Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Germany)
Results & Learning Outcomes
- Compilation of country factsheets to improve the understanding and recognition of youth work skills and qualifications in Europe.
- Formulation of survey analysis and a final comparative report to outline and clearly define youth work practices, starting with local level practices before expanding the focus to international level.
- Increased opportunities for youth workers’ professional development.
- Increased synergies, links and improved transition between different sectors of education.
- Support for the standardisation of youth work at international level by improving dialogue between youth organisations and sharing good practices.
- Spreading Erasmus+ mobility & training opportunities.
- Creating an online platform with different e-tools for youth workers, which will also serve as a place where youth workers and other stakeholders can share their ideas / problems / thoughts. The online platform should also foster social dialogue and professional development.
- Publication of a project booklet (electronic and printable)
- Publication of a trailer and an interactive video reflecting youth work in Germany, Greece, Italy & Spain.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme
The European Commission’ssupport for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.