EXEMPLAR [2018-2020]

About This Project


Young Migrant Integration Leaders



Duration: September 2018 – September 2020


Since the expansion of the EU from 15 to 25 Member States in 2004 and to 28 Member States by 2013, migration rates have significantly increased. As a result of the war in Syria and the difficult political and economic situation in several countries in Africa, the Middle East, South and Central Asia, Europe has experienced a significant influx of refugees and asylum seekers hoping to build a new life away from their country of origin.


Within the growing migrant and refugee numbers many young people are being targeted by extremists seeking to mobilise and radicalise marginalized sub-sets of the migrant community. The integration of these young migrant populations into their host society is a priority objective in all Member States.


There is a considerable shortage of specialist migrant integration training materials available to front-line staff in adult and community education organisations. There is also a real need for in-service training to build the skill sets of adult and community educators.


EXEMPLAR’s aim is to support migrants to develop an appreciation of their own heritage and of the cultural heritage of their host countries in Europe. By developing this keen awareness of the cultural heritage and values of Europe, we will be able to achieve greater social cohesion between migrant and host communities.



Targeted Outcomes:

– a bespoke Integration Leaders training curriculum addressed to migrant youth;

– a toolbox of 12 learning resources that support the acquisition of key civic and social competencies;

– an in-service training programme for front-line adult and community educators and those working in migrant support organisations to assist them in delivering the Integration Leaders curriculum;

– a versatile e-learning portal that supports learning in a range of environments.






Where you can find us:





The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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