PRIORITY [2019-2022]

About This Project



PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTies for Youth


Duration: 31.01.2019 – 31.01.2022


Summary of the project:


PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTies for Youth is an innovative project that involves youth organizations and networks, cultural and sports organizations, lifelong learning and training centers, as well as private and public entities from Germany, Greece, Italy and Romania.


Its aim is to create local youth inclusive environments (PRIORITY Hubs) and increase the capacities of the organizations that work with youth to invest in prevention by removing breeding grounds for radicalisation and act as forces of inclusion, to empower young people from disadvantaged groups such as migrants and refugees but also young people that are host country nationals and come from difficult social backgrounds, to engage, participate democratically and drive positive change in communities, through the use innovative methods and practices coming from the combination of youth work, training, cultural mediation and sports fields.


The PRIORITY project will contribute to the development, validation and scaling-up of an array of useful youth inclusion spaces, resources and tools such as:


– PRIORITY Methodology and Toolkit: youth inclusion toolkit with cross-sectorial innovation of the best practices from the fields of youth work, sports, culture and voluntary arts;


– Online and onsite PRIORITY Hubs: cross-sectorial community hubs based on the “Whole Community Approach that will act as youth inclusion environments with sports, youth, cultural heritage activities;


– “HOW TO PRIORITISE” e-book: manual on how to build, run & sustain the PRIORITY Hubs;


– E-learning platform with two courses “How to become PRIORITY Super Hero” and Priority Young Mediator (designed for young migrants and refugees).


With its outcomes PRIORITY project aims to foster the inclusion newly arrived migrants/refugees in a local level and bringing them closer with the local community and youth in order to prevent their radicalization and possible hate attacks towards them, through increasing the mutual understanding and achieving intercultural dialogue and a same sense of belonging towards a more open, resilient and inclusive society.







The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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