YOUTH 4 EUROPE [2018-2020]

About This Project



Duration: November 2018 – September 2020


Youth 4 Europe is a European project within the framework of the “European Youth together” call of the Erasmus+ Programme.
The aim of the project is to promote European Citizenship among young people of Europe through international youth exchanges on EU policies.


The youth exchanges and training courses focus on 3 main topics:


1) “Youth”: Education, job and mobility/training policies for young people

2) “Media”: Social media manipulation, bullying and hate crimes through social media and media literacy

3) “Environment”: Health, Food quality, Cities’ pollution.


In each Youth Exchange young people are expected to create policy proposals in order to improve the current European regulations on the topics mentioned above. The project will raise awareness on European Policies, foster active participation of young people and support the capacity of partners to implement advocacy actions and to develop the platform. The online platform will give the chance to young people and youth organisations to find information on EU policies, to vote the proposals created by young people, to upload their videos created during the Youth Exchanges and will host mobility opportunities for young people posted by organisations working in the field.



  1. Provide intercultural learning and peer to peer education opportunities to young people, train Staff officers and Youth leaders to facilitate activities about Civic Education and Advocacy through non-formal education and international mobility activities;
  2. Provide young people with knowledge about EU policies and educate them to elaborate policy proposals to improve their participation in public life;
  3. Raise awareness in young people, local communities and general public on policy proposals and EU policies and Institutions through dissemination events and the platform;
  4. Establish dialogue and cooperation among young people, policy makers and organisations, by fostering debates at local, national and european level on Eu policies.







The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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