Full Moon Gallery Opening – New Exhibition “Facebook”

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Full Moon Gallery Opening & New Exhibition Facebook by Jakyeong


3rd of August, 21:00


Full Moon Gallery @JKPeV (Hechtstraße 17, Hechtviertel 01097 Dresden)


We are thrilled to invite you to the opening of the Full Moon Gallery which hosts a new art exhibition. The Full Moon Gallery awakens inner creativity and unravels hidden wishes, desires and dreams. Since the moon has a strong effect on our emotions, we will immerse ourselves in the enigmatic magic of art at this special time. The Full Moon Gallery opens with a new exhibition that features the works of the artist Jakyeong. The exhibition will be illuminated all night long for the next two nights so that all night owls can fall under its spell.


The exhibition’s name is “Facebook”. Why Facebook? Because the artist has realized that Facebook users can multiply the impact of their messages by presenting moods in pictures. She even goes so far as to claim that Facebook users are not impressed by their communication, but by the pictures they post. Is that good? Is that bad? Come to the exhibition and figure it out!


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