MOOC4EU [2016-2018]

About This Project


Massive Open Online Course




The European Union is an area of great diversity whose population is composed of very different ethnic and religious cultures. In the current European context, after the attacks in Paris, Copenhagen and Brussels, tensions between the communities make intercultural dialogue more necessary than ever and the creation of tools to strengthen “coexistence”.


For this reason, the aim of this project is the development of an intercultural and civic dialogue on the future of Europe (seen through the eyes of ethnic and religious minorities that inhabit this area). This project creates the framework for a real space for dialogue and intercultural exchange on European issues that influence the daily life of minorities by reinforcing the sense of belonging and the development of European citizenship.


The challenges of the project are to create an area for exchange, to facilitate the process of intercultural dialogue, to promote civic engagement and to strengthen the structured dialogue.


With Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), videos are also being produced that are informing about the development of minority participation and citizenship and are freely accessible on the Internet and are spread over partner structures and European networks.






Final Report for the European Comission:




The Project is co-financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme



The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.





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