About This Project
Solution Not Pollution
Building Problem-solving Skills of Youth to Address Environmental and Climate Change Issues
01.02.2020 – 31.01.2022
SOLUTION NOT POLLUTION is a 24-month Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that aims to promote quality and innovation in youth work by building the skills of youth professionals to support them to address climate change issues in their formal, non-formal and informal learning/engagement activities, To empower young people by building their critical thinking skills especially where climate change issues are concerned and to promote entrepreneurship/social entrepreneurship by presenting the climate change challenges that face our society as business opportunities.
The project objectives are to:
- To introduce challenge-based learning in youth work by modifying and transferring existing learning resources about WebQuest development to a youth work setting in a climate change context
- To develop a collection of challenge-based WebQuest learning resources that address a number of critical topics that address the climate change challenge
- To develop a bespoke entrepreneurship/social entrepreneurship curriculum specifically addressed to young people that supports them to find sustainable online/offline business solutions in a climate change context
The SOLUTION NOT POLLUTION project will produce the following intellectual outputs to support its objectives:
IO1- in-service training for front-line youth workers that responds to the specific challenges that the new resources will provide for youth worker and supports their continuous professional development so they can take full advantage of the new challenge-based WebQuest learning resources provided.
IO2 – a suite of 24 climate change challenge WebQuests to build the critical thinking skills of young people in the very specific arena of tackling climate change.
IO3 – a bespoke online entrepreneurship curriculum that focuses on building the key competences identified in the EntreComp Framework.
For further information please visit the project website
Project Partners:
AKLUB Centre of education and counselling
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme
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