How to become a Green Entrepreneur
Under the headline of „How to become a Green Entrepreneur”, a group of highly motivated young people from all over the world came together online to discover the topic of green, social, online businesses together with Jara Marder, one of our Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. trainers. The foundation for this three-day workshop was a handbook developed within the framework of our Solution Not Pollution project and in total eight modules were covered, addressing topics such as creative thinking, fundraising, marketing and networking. In addition to short presentations given by the trainer, there was plenty of room for participants to ask questions, work on group assignments and get involved in plenary discussions. Also, participants were encouraged to continue using the suite of learning materials developed within our project even after this training. It was great to experience the motivation and commitment of all participants throughout this training – thanks to those of you who were part of it!