
Learning Teaching & Training Activity of Building Better project in Heraklion

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JKPeV is happy to have participated in the 3-day Learning Teaching & Training Activity of BuildingBetter in Heraklion, Crete in Greece. During our stay on the beautiful and culturally rich island of Crete we met with youth workers, trainers, trainees, and staff members of the partner organisations from Cyprus, Greece, and Italy having three goals in mind:

  1. Exchange of knowledge
  2. Expanding our educational impact
  3. Further building of cross-sectoral cooperation

We covered exciting topics such as:

  • Engaging youth and ensuring their active participation in cultural and creative events
  • Online engagement and online support for youth
  • The impacts of Covid-19 on Europe’s youth and the Creative and Cultural Sectors – CCSs
  • Cultural role models and how to create compelling stories
  • Recognizing obstacles and the necessary actions in order to overcome them

The JKPeV member, Elisa Kuhfuss presented the first topic “Engaging #youth and ensuring their active #participation in #cultural and #creative events” and at the same time involved all participants in group activities, round-table discussions, and reflection sessions. We at JKPeV are excited to have had this opportunity to share our knowledge and experience in the given topics, learn from the representatives of the partners, explore Heraklion’s rich and long history and experience the culture and beauty of one of Europe’s oldest civilisations. Like all of our endeavours at JKPeV, we believe that this activity has helped us to better understand and support the youth in our community in #Dresden and throughout Europe.

At the same time though our hearts go out to #Heraklion and other parts of Greece that are still dealing with the disastrous and fatal effects of the flooding that took place late last week.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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