
Creatif Academy

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Last Monday and Tuesday, the partners of the CROWDFUNDING project gathered in the beautiful EU capital Brussels for the Training of Trainees hosted by European Crowdfunding Network and Goteo. Partners discussed the set-up and implementation of a successful crowdfunding campaign, the development of the content of the crowdfunding toolkit that will be one of the first of its kind for local CCIs based in the involved partners’ countries. The consortium is now entering the next phase of the project, working on the finalisation of the Creatif Academy platform and the Crowdfunding Toolkit, as well as on the planning and implementation of Crowdfunding Campaigns with local representatives of their target groups. It’s going to be exciting!

We are ready to reach you and develop together your ideas!

Bratislava Policy Institute

European Crowdfunding Network
Associazione Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa
Fundación Goteo
TREE Agency
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.