
COPE – 2nd Transnational Partner Meeting in Athens, Greece

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On 23-24 October 2023, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. represented by Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi, participated in the 2nd Transnational Partner Meeting in Athens, Greece, within the framework of the Erasmus Plus project COPE Project, organized by Symplexis and hosted by Alma Mater in Athens, Greece. COPE Project aims to support young people’s mental health and well being through art therapy and its different forms. The project is coordinated by Youth Included. (Czech Republic) and its partners are, Symplexis (Greece), Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Germany), IDEC S.A. (Greece), ITC – Innovation Training Center (Spain), and Ngo Vaev (Austria).


One of the first topics that was discussed was WP2: Mapping of the specific psychosocial challenges of youth during the post Covid-19 period and identification of state-of-the-art psychosocial support programs for youth. The Transnational Report has been recently published on the website of COPE, prepared by Symplexis which compiles findings from the national reports of all partners providing extensive analysis on the mental health issues of disadvantaged youths and the respective needs of youth workers including the necessary social, intercultural, digital skills to respond to certain challenges that arose during and after COVID19 crisis and the war in Ukraine. The Transnational report provides a comparative analysis and the extraction of useful conclusions and recommendations at an EU level.


Then, WP3: Training Package for peer-to-peer support under the guidance of youth workers (WP3) led by IDEC S.A., was thoroughly discussed. Partners have finalized the development of the training materials and the online course content on art therapy and its different forms; visual visual art therapy and therapeutic photography, music therapy, drama therapy, dance and body movement therapy. The digital platform developed by IDEC S.A., will be using innovative digital tools and software to adequately support peer-to-peer training methodology.


After a short break, WP4 – The Delivery of training of youth workers and roll-out of the developed mechanism led by ITC – Innovation Training Center in cooperation with Youth Included. was discussed. ITC – Innovation Training Center presented a clear timeline of all the activities that are expected to be implemented by each partner providing information about the participants, the type of activities, the methodology and the learning objectives.
With regard to WP5: Dissemination and promotion activities coordinated by Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. partners discussed the visibility and dissemination of the project. partners discussed the visibility and dissemination of the project. The website of COPE has been updated; all social media accounts of the project should be updated regularly with news from the partners, relevant articles, podcasts, videos, etc.


Finally, the meeting was closed with a discussion on project management and coordination led by Youth Included. Partners discussed the communication between the partners, the coordination of the project as well as the quality management of the project, the interim report and the information that partners should provide to the coordinator with regard to the progress of their work.
We would like to warmly thank the organizer and host of our meeting in Athens, as well as all partners for their active participation and contribution to this fruitful meeting!