ManUp4Her [2023 – 2025]

About This Project


Encouraging Men’s Participation in the Fight Against Gender-based Violence


Duration: 01/11/2023 – 31/10/2025


Summary of the project:

A great number of women still suffer from gender-based violence in a variety of scenarios and environments. According to the European Institute for Gender Equality, one in three women over the age of fifteen has experienced physical and/or sexual violence in the European Union, and 50% have experienced sexual harassment. Additionally, 60% have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

These percentages make it clear that gender-based violence (GBV) is still very prevalent in the European Union and that its elimination is of utmost importance. To prevent gender-based violence, men are an essential ally.

As men’s involvement in the elimination of GBV has only just started being on the frontline, it has become increasingly important to find suitable strategies and activities to guarantee their active participation. Therefore, the ManUp4Her project partner organisations intend to offer more tools and actions to sensitize men and encourage them to have an active role in GBV prevention. Finally, the project intends to facilitate the creation of a Male Ambassadors Network- comprising men who are well-versed in the issue and encourage the male population to participate in the prevention of gender-based violence.


The objectives of the ManUp4Her project are the following:


  • raising awareness of different types of gender-based violence, helping men recognise warning signs to be able to prevent and become active citizens in the eradication of GBV;
  • developing quality learning material for adult men on the topic of GVB. This will contribute to the goal of offering adults learning opportunities that are appealing and tailored to them;
  • encouraging interdisciplinary and international cooperation to create multidisciplinary synergies.


The main outputs and activities of the ManUp4Her project are the following:


  • Introduction to Gender-Based Violence: through the development of an Ιnteractive Ε-book “Gender-Based Violence: The Complete Blueprint” and a podcast series “What They Don’t Tell You about Gender-Based Violence”, this output intends to familiarise men with the concept of gender-based violence, demonstrating how beliefs and norms shape reality, reinforce misconceptions, and support mechanisms that perpetuate gender inequality.
  • Recognising and Preventing Gender-Based Violence: The culmination of this output will result in a set of educational videos titled “Know the Signs: Preventing Gender-Based Violence Before It Happens” and a vlog series featuring expert interviews titled “He Said. She Said”. These resources will transform men from bystanders to people who can read social cues and act on them to prevent gender-based violence.
  • Dissemination Campaign: ManUp4Her the Ambassador’s online handbook will be created with basic theory and examples to become multipliers of the project’s key messages. The Handbook will contain short self-regulated exercises to test men’s skills as multipliers. National events and workshops will be held in each country participating in the project to disseminate and raise awareness of the achievements and findings.


Project partners



The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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