PAST-TIMES [2018-2021]

About This Project


Stories, Tales and Customs to Raise Intercultural Awareness




Duration: 2018 2021


In an ageing Europe it is becoming ever more important to address issues related to old age, neurodegenerative illnesses being just one of them. Research on ageing clearly highlights the benefits for senior citizens to be treated as active members of society in counteracting the threat of such diseases.


As a result of the ongoing migration crisis, a growing anti-immigrant sentiment and Islamophobia have taken hold of Europe, leading to an openly hostile environment for refugees and migrants in some places.


Within the growing migrant population there is a significant cohort of disaffected young migrants, who are being targeted by anti-establishment groups seeking to mobilize them for their purposes. While many of these young migrants lack the skills and competencies necessary for their economic integration into their host country, there is also a significant ignorance of its culture, values and beliefs.


The project “Past-times Stories, Tales and Customs to Raise Intercultural Awareness” has been developed against the backdrop of these three specific issues and aims to train local migrants in each country to work with senior citizens in their host country to record and document the oral history of Europe’s older generations and to develop an understanding and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage.


Targeted Outcomes:

– a digital & social media production and management curriculum

– an oral history curriculum for senior citizens

– an in-service training programme and handbook for adult educators and migrant support workers

WebQuest challenges that focus on issues related to culture, tradition, history or heritage

– an online learning portal that will be available on a range of mobile and fixed devices




Where you can find us:


The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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