About This Project


Practical Learning for Action & Networking via an Educational Tool, Inspiring Study of Environment



The PLANETISE strategic partnership project (Erasmus+ Programme) aims to raise awareness on environmental issues such as climate change, the greenhouse effect, air and water pollution in Europe and particularly in Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. Environmental education is the main priority of the PLANETISE project as people need to know from a young age how to protect and sustain the environment.


Educational games in schools, local communities and youth centres provide a playful approach to the environment and can have a strong impact on environmental awareness.


The project was inspired by the game “Planetbook”, a KEAN-developed initiative that has been successfully implemented throughout Greece, with the aim of raising environmental awareness among young people at local, regional, national and global levels.



The innovative, educational board game ‘Planetbook’ contains 700 questions of encyclopaedic knowledge about our planet’s environmental issues and about international NGOs concerned with its protection, as well as questions on the four climate-defining elements (earth, air, water and fire).


PLANETISE picks up on this concept and complements this successfully tested educational game with the addition of new features that address the identified need for innovative methodologies concerning the environment. Adapting the tool to the different national circumstances of each partner country is one of the main objectives of the project. The tools will be revised and enriched to meet the needs of the respective target group.


In terms of specific objectives, PLANETISE aims to achieve the following:


  • Encouraging environmental awareness among young people, motivating them to participate actively in environmental activities and developing key competences
  • Equipping youth organisations with innovative tools that will enable them to provide environmental education in an informal and non-formal context
  • Promoting active youth participation and civic engagement by developing a sense of responsibility and implementing activities to protect and conserve the environment
  • Europe-wide networking of young people and exchange on environmental issues across national borders
  • Youth and youth workers across Europe can benefit from the shared knowledge of multilingual editions of the Planetbook game (English, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Turkish). Almost 300 people are involved in the PLANETISE project activities through focus groups, workshops, training events, national information events and the Planetbook Europe community.


Transnational Events:

1) Kick-of Meeting: 24 May 2017 – ATATÜRK UNIVERSITY, Erzurum / Turkey
2) 1st Interim Meeting: 20 December 2017 – KEAN, Athens / Greece
3) 2nd Interim Meeting : 7 May 2018 – MODAVI ONLUS, Naples / Italy
4) 3rd Interim Meeting: 3-4 September 2018 – ASCAJ, Funchal / Portugal
5) 4th Interim Meeting: 13-14 March 2019 – JUGEND- & KULTURPROJEKT E.V., Dresden / Germany
6) Final meeting: May 2019 ATATÜRK UNIVERSITY, Erzurum / Turkey



Coordinating organisation:




Kyttaro Enallaktikon Anazitiseon Neon, KEAN – Griechenland

Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. – Deutschland

Modavi federazione provinciale di Napoli ONLUS – Italien

Associação Socio-Cultural Alternativas Jovens ASCAJ – Portugal

Asociatia Pentru Tineret Sakura – Rumänien

Ordu Üniversitesi – Türkei



Methodology & Content of National Needs Analysis Report

Handbook of Communication & Dissemination Activities


The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



The European Commission’ssupport for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.