DARE [2019-2021]

About This Project


DisAble the barRiErs



Dates: 15.02.2019 – 14.02.2021



DARE: DisAble the barRiErs is a 24-month Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that aims to empower youth organizations and youth workers into implementing more inclusive youth mobility projects for young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments through 4 innovative products:


  • A DARE practical guide of inclusion for youth workers, trainers and educators.


  • A DARE digital storytelling handbook of empowerment that will be designed for young people and young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments that wish to become DARE ambassadors.


  • A Truth and DARE e-learning platform especially designed to connect youth workers, trainers, educators, NGO members, training centers directly with young people and young People with Visual, Hearing or Physical Impairments with the aim of providing a communication and e-learning space among the above groups and improve and increase the mobility opportunities for young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments.


  • A DARE mobile app especially made for the needs of young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments that want to explore and be informed about the opportunities of the youth mobilities of the Erasmus+ Programme.


DARE project’s target groups are youth workers, youth organisations, trainers, educators, youth leaders, young people and young people with visual, hearing, physical, impairments. DARE’s objectives are, to support the capacity building of youth workers, youth organizations in implementing high quality youth mobility inclusive projects involving young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments – to open up youth work to cross-sectorial cooperation allowing greater synergies across fields of social inclusion actions concerning young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments – to foster volunteering among young people and increase the peer support from young people towards young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments – to foster social inclusion of young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments, taking into account the underlying European values by making organizations, youth NGOs that realize mobilities more accessible to them – to increase the level of active participation of young people with visual/hearing/physical impairments to local and EU level through raising awareness about Erasmus+ Youth Mobility Projects and increasing their participation number in these projects.



Project Partners:


Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.

Societa’ Cooperativa A.FO.RI.S.MA. – ACLI Formazione Ricerca Servizi Management

Danmar Computers LLC


Kreisau-Initiative e. V.



The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Past projects