CareOn [2021 – 2022]

About This Project


Manage the COVID crisis with care, reason, values, unity, solidarity




Duration: 18 months (May 2021 – October 2022)


Summary of the project:


Project “Manage the COVID crisis with Care, reasOn, Values, unIty, soliDarity” is a response to the global crisis that tried to stop the “rotation of the Earth”.

The coronavirus pandemic affected the whole world rearranged the EU’s priority areas for action and made the battle with COVID-19 a top priority. Although difficult, initially with manifestations of selfishness and isolation, the countries of the Union quickly realized that no one could cope with such a challenge alone.

At the heart of our project is the idea that the application of European values, care, unity, and solidarity is the most effective way to deal with the effects of the overall economic and health crisis caused by COVID-19. The pan-European nature of our project involves 8 countries from all corners of Europe: Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, and Serbia.

The project aims to discuss the problems created by the pandemic in healthcare, economy, education, social care, and culture.


The project outcomes:


  • Debatеs “Lessons from the crisis”: 10 debates will be held with experts, public figures, and citizens in all participating countries.
  • Brochure “Stories of Goodness”: An online brochure presenting examples and good practices from all over Europe.
  • International Conference: At the International Conference the Project Partners will summarize what’s heard and seen, with the participation of politicians. Everything that has been learned will be gathered in a final document – including policy recommendations concerning the fight against crises.


A wide range of participants will be invited to participate in the project activities – with different professions, education, age, ones with positive attitudes towards the EU and Eurosceptics. A sustainable impact through dissemination via all traditional, digital, and social media will be achieved.


Download the Project report here!



Contemporary Pleven Media Foundation (Bulgaria) – Coordinator

Associacion de Innovacion Formaciony Empleo para el Desarrollo Sosteniblees (AIFED) (Spain)

educommart – Meeting Point for Creative Education (Greece)

Autokreacja Foundation (Poland)

Jugend-& Kulturprojekt eV (Germany)

Spiralis, Z. S. (Czech Republic)

Media Minority & Local Media Development Center (Serbia)

Viesoji Istaiga Atviros Lietuvos Fondas (Lithuania)




The Project is co-financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme





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